ICYMI Rep. Issa Wants Answers from Treasury Dept. About Financial Ties Between ActBlue, Anti-Semetic Group

“We need to know if our laws to prevent terror funding were broken.”

Correspondence from Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) to the Treasury Department and the FBI was featured in a Washington Examiner exclusive report last week. The article outlined Rep. Issa’s serious concern that for several years, the nationwide Democrat fundraising platform ActBlue maintained a business relationship with an organization tied to terror funding.The Examiner detailed that Rep. Issa is investigating reports that ActBlue provided material support to terrorism by working with the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). The West Bank-based group is the “face” of the BDS National Committee, which has included Palestinian National and Islamic Forces, a coalition represented by U.S.-designated terror groups, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Hamas.

Rep. Issa – a senior member of both the Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committee – said: “The undeniable and continued collaboration between these two entities raises serious concerns of the enabling of terror-related activity and may also constitute money laundering crimes as well as violations of international law. It is also relevant that no part of the reporting from the Washington Examiner has been contradicted or denied by ActBlue.”

Darrell Issa is the Representative of California’s 48th Congressional District. The District encompasses the central and eastern parts of San Diego County and a portion of Riverside County, including the communities of Fallbrook, Valley Center, Ramona, Escondido, Santee, Lakeside, Poway, Temecula, Murrieta, and the mountain and desert areas of the San Diego-Imperial County line. Issa served as the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform from 2011-2015.