Chula Vista Residents Rally for Harborside Park’s Reopening

Chula Vista residents recently rallied in support of reopening Harborside Park, which was closed by the city last year due to concerns over homeless encampments, crime, and drug use. Supporters gathered at Lauderbach Pocket Park and marched towards Harborside, voicing their affection for the park with signs like “We love Harborside Park.”

Although the city council had previously approved a plan to initiate the reopening process, which included enhancing security measures, the plan has yet to be realized. A proposal to convert the park into affordable housing was endorsed by all council members, with the exception of Mayor John McCann. This proposed change has been met with opposition from the community, including the Mayor’s wife, Myssie McCann, who expressed concerns about the district representative not adequately representing the community’s interests. Currently, there’s no set date or timeline for the park’s reopening or potential redevelopment.

Original Article Link: Chula Vista residents rallying to save Harborside Park |

Chula Vista residents rally to save Harborside Park

Residents are concerned over possible plans to build housing at the park.

Chula Vista residents rally to save Harborside Park

SAN DIEGO — Chula Vista residents are rallying together to reopen Harborside Park.

Saturday morning people gathered at Lauderbach Pocket Park and marched to Harborside Park.

They held signs that read “We love Harborside Park” and “Support Us.” Homeless encampments, crime, and drug use forced the city to close the park last year.

“Here we are right now with a mission to save Harborside Park,” said Leticia Lares.

Lares was one of many Chula Vista residents at the rally. In May, CBS 8 reported when the Chula Vista city council gave the green light for phase one of reopening the park. That included replacing a temporary chain-linked fence with a permanent one and getting a ranger station. However, the plan never came to fruition.

“As Fredrick Douglas once said it’s easier to build strong children than fix broken men and that’s what we’re talking about is bringing up our kids and having the security of having parks,” Dan Smith Diaz.

During a May 16 city council meeting, Councilmember Andrea Cardenas, who is in charge of District Four where the park is located, suggested building affordable housing at the park. All members of the council, except Mayor John McCann, agreed to that idea.

“We are here to make sure this community has a voice because right now their district representative is not representing them,” said Myssie McCann, Mayor McCann’s wife.

The idea of losing the park to build was a major concern during today’s rally.

As of now, there is no timeline for if or when Harborside Park will be reopened.

Original Article Link: Chula Vista residents rallying to save Harborside Park |

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