Supervisor Desmond’s Statement on County of San Diego Restarting Chief Administrative Hiring Process

I am pleased to announce that the Board of Supervisors has decided to restart the hiring process for a new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). This decision reflects our commitment to ensuring that this critical position is filled in a manner that prioritizes the interests of the County of San Diego and its residents above all else.


One of the critical aspects of this decision is the assurance that the hiring process will proceed without any input or influence from Nathan Fletcher.


As we move forward, it is essential that the new CAO remains a position focused solely on serving the best interests of our County and its residents.


The County of San Diego deserves a CAO who will work tirelessly to serve the public, prioritize fiscal responsibility, and promote the well-being of our community. I look forward to the upcoming process and the opportunity to select a qualified individual who will help lead our County into a prosperous future.