Issa Resolution Commends VSOs, Veteran Advocacy Groups

Washington – Last month, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) introduced a resolution to recognize the contributions of veterans service organizations (VSOs), veteran advocacy groups, and their millions of supporters and volunteers.

The resolution, H. Res. 642, underscores the integral role they have all played over the last century in supporting American servicemembers, veterans, and military families through advocacy, financial assistance, and much more.

“VSOs and veteran advocacy groups are the twin foundations that support, guide, and help millions of America’s servicemembers and their families every day,” said Rep. Issa. “Our resolution shines a light not only on the efforts of these organizations and their volunteers, but also a grateful nation.”

VSO and veteran advocacy group statements:

Pat Murray, National Legislative Director, VFW
“The members of the VFW faithfully served our country in uniform and continue to serve in their communities every single day. Since 1899 the men and women of the VFW have carried on the tradition of still serving by volunteering in towns and cities across the United States, its territories, and abroad. The VFW is honored to be among the many organizations recognized by this bipartisan resolution and will strive to continue living up to the standards set by those who came before us, and endeavor to leave behind a legacy for those who come after us.”

Keith Wetherell, Executive Director, AMVETS of IL
“Veterans Service Organizations, like AMVETS Department of Illinois, work every day to better the lives of veterans and their families. We are incredibly proud that our members not only bravely served this country, but now continue to volunteer to serve their fellow veterans today.”

David Cook, Executive Director, SOAA
“Our nation owes so much to its Veterans. Our Freedoms, yes, but also not living in fear of an invasion or threat of violence from abroad. Veteran Service Organizations, Advocates, and Volunteers, who are often themselves Veterans, work tirelessly to give back to our Troops. Thank you, Rep. Issa for recognizing this important community of champions and the impact they have in honoring our heroes.”

Independence Fund
“The Independence Fund thanks Congressman Issa and the bipartisan Members who cosponsored H.Res. 642, to recognize the patriotism and contributions of Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs), veteran advocacy groups, and volunteers,” said The Independence Fund CEO, Sarah Verardo. “As a VSO who serves catastrophically wounded Veterans and their Caregivers, we work tirelessly to support our Nation’s heroes and constantly strive to enhance the quality of life for those who served. We are grateful for the acknowledgement and recognition by Congressman Issa, and his longstanding support of the Veteran community.”

Paralyzed Veterans of America, Cal-Diego Chapter
“Paralyzed Veterans of America, Cal-Diego Chapter wholeheartedly supports Representative Darrell Issa – sponsored H.Res.642 – Recognizing the patriotism and contributions of veterans’ service organizations, veteran advocacy groups, and volunteers. Recognizing their contributions is a first-class bipartisan initiative.
H.Res.642 aims to give homage to those sometimes forgotten yet some of the most deserving.”

The full text of the resolution can be found here.