California Senate Republicans: Prioritizing Safety and Accountability

California Senate Republicans stand firm on their principles, advocating for the safety and security of the communities they represent. Among them is Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego), a steadfast advocate for those who prioritize the safety and well-being of their loved ones.

The recent presentation of an amendment by Senator Jones on the Senate floor underscores the commitment of the California Senate Republicans to ensuring the most vulnerable in our communities remain protected. The primary aim of this amendment? To put an end to the dangerous precedent of releasing sexually violent predators (SVPs) into communities under the ambiguous banner of “transient status.”

Leader Jones stated the alarming reality: “It’s bad enough that sexually violent predators are being dumped in our communities. Given their diagnoses, why would we allow these dangerous individuals to be released on transient status?” This sentiment captures the gravity of the issue – with a staggering fifty percent failure rate associated with the state’s SVP-Conditional Release Program (CONREP).

What makes these numbers even more chilling is that since the inception of CONREP in 1996, data from state contractor Liberty Healthcare reveals that half of the SVPs released on transient status have been revoked or rehospitalized due to severe infractions. With the state grappling with a significant housing crisis, these transient placements might become an even more common occurrence, further jeopardizing public safety.

The solution, as presented by Senate Republicans, was both comprehensive and rooted in logic. The amendment proposed that, rather than releasing these SVPs into communities, they be placed on state property. This placement would subject them to the watchful eyes and supervision of state personnel, ensuring their actions remain closely scrutinized for the protection of the public.

Yet, despite the clear emphasis on public safety, the amendment faced swift opposition, with Senate Democrats choosing to dismiss it. As Senator Jones pointedly remarked, “It’s disappointing to see Senate Democrats quickly shoot it down without any consideration for communities’ safety.”

California Senate Republicans, with leaders like Brian Jones at the helm, continue to spotlight the importance of safety, accountability, and the defense of the state’s most vulnerable.

Senate Democrats Reject Crucial Amendment to Protect Communities from Sexually Violent Predators

Amendment Would Prohibit Release of Free-Roaming SVPs as Transients

SACRAMENTO – On the Senate floor today, Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego), presented an amendment aimed at stopping the dangerous practice of releasing sexually violent predators (SVPs) into communities on transient status.

“It’s bad enough that sexually violent predators are being dumped in our communities. Given their diagnoses, why would we allow these dangerous individuals to be released on transient status?,” Leader Jones stated. “It’s a fifty percent failure rate, and that’s simply unacceptable.”

The proposed amendment is a direct response to the alarming statistics surrounding the state’s SVP-Conditional Release Program (CONREP), which began in 1996. According to data from state contractor Liberty Healthcare, a staggering fifty percent of SVPs released on transient status have been revoked or rehospitalized due to “serious violations.” Recently, Liberty Healthcare proposed to dump an SVP in a brand-new RV with transient status in Placer County. Transient placements could become more common as the state faces a dire housing shortage.

The proposed amendment would have prohibited the release of SVPs into communities on transient status. Instead, it proposed placing SVPs on state property and subjecting them to supervision by state personnel, ensuring their actions are closely monitored to protect the public.

“Our proposal today is a logical solution to safeguard our communities from the dangers of free-roaming sexually violent predators,” said Leader Jones. “It’s disappointing to see Senate Democrats quickly shoot it down without any consideration for communities’ safety.”


Click here to view the vote and here to view or download the presentation.

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