El Cajon Mayor Slams San Diego Unified School District for Promoting Secrecy Over Parental Rights

I am deeply concerned about the recent actions taken by the San Diego Unified School District regarding their name and gender instruction form. It is terrible to witness yet another example of school districts overstepping their bounds and assuming they know better than parents regarding their children’s well-being.

San Diego Unified School District is now actively encouraging children to identify as trans or nonbinary and helping them keep it a secret from their parents. What kind of twisted logic is this? Since when did schools become the gatekeepers of such crucial information? Parents are now left in the dark about their children’s lives.

This is nothing short of an attack on parental rights, transparency, and common sense. The idea of hiding something as significant as a child’s gender identity from their parents is an insult to the principles of family, trust, and open communication. Parents have every right to be fully informed about their children’s lives, especially concerning matters as personal and impactful as this.

The San Diego Unified School District is operating under the misconception that they know what’s best for our children while treating parents as mere inconveniences. But let me remind them that parents are the ones who bring these children into the world, who nurture them, who provide for them, and who are ultimately responsible for their well-being. It’s not the role of a school district to replace parents or to undermine their authority.

By promoting secrecy and keeping parents in the dark, the San Diego Unified School District is creating a breeding ground for mistrust, deception, and potentially even danger. We cannot let such a reckless and irresponsible approach go unchecked.

I demand that the San Diego Unified School District immediately reverse this harmful policy and apologize to parents for their blatant disrespect. Our children deserve better than to be used as pawns in a misguided political agenda. It’s time for the district to recognize the vital role parents play in their children’s lives and to start respecting the rights and authority of families.


Wells SD Schools