Q: What you can expect from the San Diego News Desk?
A: San Diego News Desk provides important and updated news every day.
Q: What makes us different from other media sources?
A: San Diego News Desk publishes content produced by our own contributors and editors. We regularly edit and publish press releases from local businesses and institutions.
Q: Do you have an article or press release you want to be published?
A: We depend on our community for notice of many newsworthy events. Please send releases/articles to news@sandiegonewsdesk.com.
Q: What are our opportunities for work?
A: We will be working with high schools and colleges to offer internships to talented students and you can apply by sending your resume to news@sandiegonewsdesk.com.
Q: How does San Diego News Desk continue to run?
A: San Diego News Desk is owned and operated by the Republican Party of San Diego County.